node references bug
Why doesn't the AI answer when I ask using node references? This happened today, the day before before it was running normally, please fix it
fadistrik About 16 hours ago
🐛 Bug Reports
node references bug
Why doesn't the AI answer when I ask using node references? This happened today, the day before before it was running normally, please fix it
fadistrik About 16 hours ago
🐛 Bug Reports
How to cancel sharing?
There is no way to delete the shared link, and others can access my whiteboard as long as they have my shared link.
zuolan 1 day ago
💡 Feature Request
How to cancel sharing?
There is no way to delete the shared link, and others can access my whiteboard as long as they have my shared link.
zuolan 1 day ago
💡 Feature Request
Suggested features to add
After selection, use the backspace key to quickly delete Ctrl+Select multiple cards for multi-select sync operation Select the positioning card, quickly return to the positioning card after holding down a certain shortcut key
1487551556 1 day ago
💡 Feature Request
Suggested features to add
After selection, use the backspace key to quickly delete Ctrl+Select multiple cards for multi-select sync operation Select the positioning card, quickly return to the positioning card after holding down a certain shortcut key
1487551556 1 day ago
💡 Feature Request
subscribe problem
Hello, I subscribed to a membership on Alipay, but my flowith account hasn't changed and is still a free member. I would like to ask what's going on?
tongzhaoxiang23 3 days ago
💡 Feature Request
subscribe problem
Hello, I subscribed to a membership on Alipay, but my flowith account hasn't changed and is still a free member. I would like to ask what's going on?
tongzhaoxiang23 3 days ago
💡 Feature Request
Query regarding restrictions on uploading PDF files and similar documents
What is the maximum size of the PDF file we can upload?
gxlqliangming 4 days ago
💡 Feature Request
Query regarding restrictions on uploading PDF files and similar documents
What is the maximum size of the PDF file we can upload?
gxlqliangming 4 days ago
💡 Feature Request
About the doubts on custom agent
Can the intelligent agent be customized, including simple prompts, as well as various comprehensive intelligent agents like those in “Discovery“?
gxlqliangming 4 days ago
💡 Feature Request
About the doubts on custom agent
Can the intelligent agent be customized, including simple prompts, as well as various comprehensive intelligent agents like those in “Discovery“?
gxlqliangming 4 days ago
💡 Feature Request
In Progress
对于 whiteboard 的交互的一些优化请求
我使用的一个成熟的 whiteboard 笔记软件名称叫 Heptabase,希望团队可以参考它在 whiteboard 上的一些交互实现,例如: opt click 在右边打开笔记的内容; 右键拖动 whiteboard; 左键框选元素; 双击创建新的元素:比如我们可以在 Flowith 上创建一些文本元素现在只能靠拖动,但也许可以依靠双击来添加会更快,更直觉;
ethan.chang.person 8 days ago
High Priority
💡 Feature Request
In Progress
对于 whiteboard 的交互的一些优化请求
我使用的一个成熟的 whiteboard 笔记软件名称叫 Heptabase,希望团队可以参考它在 whiteboard 上的一些交互实现,例如: opt click 在右边打开笔记的内容; 右键拖动 whiteboard; 左键框选元素; 双击创建新的元素:比如我们可以在 Flowith 上创建一些文本元素现在只能靠拖动,但也许可以依靠双击来添加会更快,更直觉;
ethan.chang.person 8 days ago
High Priority
💡 Feature Request